Wednesday, November 7, 2012

50-50 (Or So) and Moving Ahead

50-50 (Or So)

I didn't wake up with plans to write about this, but it dawned on me that only half  the people we encounter today will be happy about the election.  While you  have your own feelings, your team will follow your lead.

My simple advice - remember the lessons on being a 'good sport' from childhood.  Be respectful and gracious. Don't go overboard with celebrating or whining. Get ready for what's next by realistically assessing what will (or will not change).  Focus on facts, and move ahead.

Moving Ahead

I read an insightful blog post today (see link below), that made a simple, clear statement:
"...And we are in the place we started."
Most of the players did not change, including me.

Regardless of our expectations of better / worse, easier / harder, etc., we are each accountable for moving ahead, and exhibiting the leadership to pick the right direction and move ahead.

LINK: Live Intentionally: The Election is Over. Now It's Up to You and Me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mitch, thanks for the linking to my post. And good point about being good sports. Many people complain that there is too much partisanship, bickering, and political games in Washington, but each of us has an impact on the tone of conversations in this country.
