Thursday, November 29, 2012

Choose: Transmogrify or Transfigure

Higher Sources of Learning

I lean toward highbrow sources, like comic strips, to guide me on complex topics. 

Calvin and Hobbes often played with a cardboard box labeled 'Transmogrifier'. While Calvin advertised it as able to 'turn you into anything at all', the dictionary gives us a different spin:  "To change or alter greatly and often with grotesque or humorous effect."

Technology Implications

In the context of technology, we run the risk of  'transmogrifying', unless we invest in architecting adaptable solutions that are equipped for:  

  • Complexity in the Middle: Plan for dynamic interactions, across a variety of connections, and a wide array of gadgets.
  • (Perceived) Simplicity at the Edge:  Expect users to demand stable, easy to use solutions that translate across devices (phone, tablet, PC, etc.)

Fortunately, tools are available, and improving.  Things like cloud services, service oriented architectures, and standards give us the building blocks to create dynamic, adaptable solutions, as long as we invest (time, people, dollars) to architect them.

Choose to Transfigure

Transfigure is defined as "transform outwardly and usually for the better".
      "For the better" or "with grotesque or humorous effect"
Not much of a choice when you put it that way.

What challenges do you face in architecting dynamic, adaptable solutions?

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