Monday, December 10, 2012

Mobility: From the Smartphone and Beyond

How did you get your last sports score, the weather for tomorrow, or the information for that new gadget? Increasingly, you are using your smartphone. In many cases, you have a specialized 'widget' that keeps it updated on your screen - you don't even have to look for it.

While this isn't news, have you considered what this means for you and your company? Here are a few thing to think about:

  • 'Landscape':  Think of an index card, not a notepad - an iPhone, not a monitor. The smaller screen requires you to understand what your users / customers want first, and how they can easily get to the next item (hint - think 'tap' or 'swipe' versus 'scroll'). If you just try to 'shrink' your current 'landscape', you'll lose.
  • Secure Personalization:  People love 'at a glance' service. The weather icons with current local conditions or small box with the most recent score update. Beyond size, you must have a way to know who they are, and handle it as a trusted friend. People need to be confident that 'private' is TRULY private, and as secure as their bank / wallet.
  • Omnipresent:  Alas, people want multiple entry points, but will want the personalization to seamlessly follow them. They will also want the interface to adapt to the change in size and function.

Technology leaders will need an ever growing toolbox to meet this challenge, including:

  • 'Big data' platforms for the personalization
  • Multi-platform security tools
  • A new breed of development skills / tools that loosely couple the functions and user interface

What other things should we be considering?

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